Omeje Maxwell
Covenant University
Title: Assessment of cancer Risks in Selected groundwater Samples from Abuja, Northcentral Nigeria
Biography: Omeje Maxwell
The 238U and toxic induced cancer elements were estimated in groundwater samples collected in some parts of Abuja and were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) system. The radiological risks for cancer mortality were found distinctly low, with highest value of 1.01 × 10-7 reported at Dei-Dei borehole compared to Kubwa borehole with a value of 3.01 × 10-8. The cancer morbidity risk was noted higher in Dei-Dei borehole with a value of 1.55 × 10-7 whereas lower value of 4.88 × 10-9 was reported in Kubwa borehole. Lead (Pb) and chromium (Cr) reported higher in Water Board compared to Dei-Dei and Kubwa borehole samples. The values obtained are quite low compared to the International Reference Dose Level. This indicates apparently that chemical carcinogenic pollutants on groundwater -based drinking may be the major risk inducing chemical parameters in the study area.