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Tibebe Belete Tigabu

Tibebe Belete Tigabu

Kiel University, Germany

Title: Statistical analysis of rainfall and streamflow time series in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia


Biography: Tibebe Belete Tigabu


This research focuses on thestatistical analysis of rainfall and streamflow time series of Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia. Statistical methods such as auto and cross correlations and trend analysis were applied. The study showedthat mean annual rainfalls, streamflows and the Lake level are decreasing significantly from decade to decade. The decadal mean of Abbay flow was 142.54 m3/s during 1990s and dropped to 131.20 m3/s for 2000s.Similarly, the Lake water level has shown a decreasing trend from 1990s to 2000s. It showed a negative difference of 0.31 m and 0.29 m between 1980s-1990s and 1990s-2000s respectively. The autocorrelation for both rainfall and streamflow were significantly different from zero with maximum value at time lag 1 that decreases linearlyas the time lag increases indicating that the sample data are nonrandom.