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Imran Ullah

Imran Ullah

University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

Title: Structural investigation and stratigraphy of Mirpur Azad Kashmir, NW Himalayas, Pakistan


Biography: Imran Ullah


The study area lies in the southern part of the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis sub-Himalayas Pakistan. The Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis is an antiformal structure. The core of syntaxis comprises of Himalayan molasse deposits. These molasse deposits (Early Miocene-Recent) are outcroping sediments in the area. This study unravels the structure and stratigraphy of Nawan and Ghoi areas of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan. The Himalayan molasse deposits are exposed in the southern Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis. The formations exposed are the Chinji Formation, Nagri Formation, DhokPathan Formation, Soan Formation, Mirpur Formation and recent alluvium. The area is highly deformed into folds and faults due to Himalayan orogeny. The folds are NW-SE trending or SW-NE trending. The folds are asymmetric, tight, open, and gentle and close in nature. The folds are southwest, northeast or southeast, and northwest vergent. The Jhelum Fault truncates the northeast, southwest, southeast and northwest trending structures. The major folds are Jabran syncline, Shikra anticline, Haveli syncline, Band anticline and Chanas anticline. The major faults in the study area are Jhelum Fault and Malikpur Diljaba fault. The Jhelum Fault is a left lateral strike-slip fault with reverse movement. The Jhelum Fault truncates the northwest and southeast trending Himalayan structures. The Malikpur-Diljaba fault is the back thrust splay of the Jhelum Fault. The folds and faults are the result of northeast southwest or northwest southeast Himalayan compression in the area.